Picot de Peccaduc

Date: 25 Dec 2016 - Sezione: sassolini/

(Questo è un sassolino nella scarpa differente dagli altri)

About ten years ago I noted that the article on Wikipedia (both french and russian edition) on Picot de Peccaduc was completely wrong. Not knowing how to change it, I submitted a text in english giving my reasons to strongly suggest (see “Discussion”) to change the article. It was clear to me that the authors and contributors to the article made a single person of two different brothers. I never received any answer, and the article is still now (December 2016) unchanged, completely wrong, but with the addition of a picture, which turned out to be correct. In the attached article I try to give the correct biography of Picot de Peccaduc, for the benefit of the crowds of people interested in Picot de Peccaduc, who was truly a remarkable man.
