The city of Rome under the Goths

Date: 5 Nov 2018 - Sezione: umanistiche/storia/

In this essay I try to sketch the story of the public buildings and structures of Rome under the Goths: Rome was sacked in 410 CE by Alaric and his Visigoths, and then fell under the domination of Theoderic and his Ostrogoths in 493 CE. The sack was not catastrophic, and king Theoderic, although he put his capital in Ravenna, made provisions to repair the most important public buildings and works. The Gothic kingdom did not end with the death of Theoderic, and was soon involved in a war with the Eastern Roman Empire, under Justinian. During the Greco-Gothic war (535-553) the Goths and the Greeks. with their respective allies ruined what they could of the city. My thesis is that net result of the Gothic age was zero: the sacks did not do great evil, Theoderic did much good, but the Gothic kings who followed him did much evil.
